I think you should take out the Oct & Nov WT of 2011, and be thumbing through it innocently, and sayd "hey, look what I noticed!"
Point out the way the Society makes a big picture of a tablet they think was cracked, and they can't tell if it was 'this or that' date, or what exactly was meant, and that there were two lunar eclipses within 40 years... (I can't remember the exact quotes, you will have to do the research, sorry)
THEN, and this is the simplest, most important point.... In one of the little teeny tiny footnote type statements, it says that there are thousands of these business tablets kept by the Egibi tribe, and there is one for every year a kind of Babylon reigned. They always put the date at the top (like we do) but it included, The King, The Year of his Rule, Where the stars were....
The WT said, if you use these, you will come up with 587 BCE.... It is simple.
To get dates, WT has to use things found by archaeologists.... Why are they always distracting people with questions, broken tablets, things written hundreds of years later?
There are tablets for every day.... 587 is the year.
If 587 is the year, there is no 1914... and that means? 1919 and the "choosing of the GB" is a bunch of nothing....